Welcome to the Sepehrshimi Company.


Unit 12,6 Floor, Sayeh building, North Tohid, Ave. 8173655317, Isfahan, Iran

Phone Call:

+98-31-36283738 & 38283727

+98-31-53300160 & 53300163




Sepehrshimi Product

Light Slack Wax

Light Slack Wax

The Slack Wax production of Sepehrshimi Co is in light class. Theses slack waxes use as primary substance in the sanitray Vaseline.

Liquid Paraffin

Liquid Paraffin

The Oily liquid paraffin by low viscosity obtained of Iso recycle dewaxing process and use in some industries such production of Textile oil, transformer oil.

Polyvinyl Acetate emulsiune

Polyvinyl Acetate emulsiune

This crop producted by Polyvinyl Acetate emulsiune in water, and use in some industrials such carpet making and glue stick.

Sepehrshimi Gallery


Why Sepehrshimi ?

Sepehrshimi Co was founded in 1982. The Company goal has been manufacturing chemicals and petrochemical products. The manufacturing unit is located in the Sepehr Abad Industrial zone of Isfahan province. Sepehrshimi is new producting 1. Polyvinyl Acetate emulsiune 2. Liquid Paraffin 3. Light Slack Wax.


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Sepehrshimi articles

Trademarks in the international shipping industry

Trademarks in the international shipping industry

The international shipping industry, like the rest of the industry, has unique and unique signs and acronyms. Getting to know these signs can be helpful to those of you who are interested in the international shipping industry. We focus on ...

International shipping laws

International shipping laws

International shipping lawsThe international shipping industry has common rules that countries in some cases require to comply with a number of general and other laws in particular. The most important of these are:Customs rules:Refers to the customs laws of the ...

International Freight Forwarding Organizations

International Freight Forwarding Organizations

  International freight transportation today plays an important and effective role in meeting the needs of different countries, which in turn enhances the economic cycle of countries and the supply of surplus production to other countries, thereby expanding international marketing activities. ...