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International Freight Forwarding Organizations

International Freight Forwarding Organizations


International freight transportation today plays an important and effective role in meeting the needs of different countries, which in turn enhances the economic cycle of countries and the supply of surplus production to other countries, thereby expanding international marketing activities. Meanwhile, some experts believe that the development of the transportation industry is dependent on the growth of production, while others see the growth of production as dependent on the progress and growth of the country’s transportation industry. Becomes the country’s economy.
Organizations and bodies affiliated with the international shipping industry within the country are as follows:
Law enforcement of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Organizations and organs associated with international shipping within the country
Islamic Republic of Iran Customs
Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Land Regulatory Council for Inbound and Outbound Authorities

Islamic Republic of Iran Tourism & Automotive Association
Supreme Council of Transportation Coordination
Land Regulatory Council for Inbound and Outbound Authorities.
Transit Organizing, Coordination and Development Committee.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs .
Different guild associations.
All embassies in the world
Islamic Republic of Iran Airlines.
Shipping Company of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Organizations and bodies affiliated with the international shipping industry within the country are attached to all transport fields (land transport – air transport – sea transport – rail transport).
It should be noted that the number of these organizations and organizations abroad is more than 50 organizations, the most important of which are as follows:
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
World Trade Organization (GATT
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
World Tourism Organization (WTO)
Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)
International Federation of International Freight Forwarding Companies (FIATA)
International Road Transport Union (IRU)
International Automobile Federation (IAF)
International Road Federation (IRF)
International Union of Railway Congresses (IRCA)
International Organization for Rail International Transport (OTIF)
International Rail Transport Committee (IRTC)
International Union of Railways (UIC)
Railway Cooperation Organization (OSSHD)
International Maritime Organization (IMO)
International Union of Ports and Ports (IAPH)
Islamic Countries Shipping Association (ISA)
Eco Airlines
Echo Shipping
ASN Committee
International Maritime Federation (ISF)
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
International Transport Association

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Contacts Info

  • Iran, Ahvaz, Kian Abad, 28th East Street, No. 12
  • 0903333365656
  • info@myco.net